So you've been looking for a way to improve your selfies, pictures and videos. If you've picked up a selfie stick already, then that's a good start. Now if you're looking for something to make those shots even more fun then an app may be something to consider.
While there are certainly a ton of these free photo apps available, it can be frustrating trying to figure out which one is the best. Nobody likes downloading one that looks promising only to find that it offers two effects then forces you to buy other features. A lot of apps are even prone to crashing right in the middle of the editing process. Not to worry though, below is a list of the best photography apps for your smartphone that not only make photo editing a breeze, but they also make using your selfie stick even more fun.
1. Pic Collage

Pic Collage comes in at #1 because of it's outstanding array of selfie customizations which allow you can make fun collages of your selfies. Add gifs, pictures, stickers and icons to customize your selfie and create a cool collage with them. You can even print them out to make an awesome poster or even a custom phone case, now that's pretty unique.
On top of that Pic Collage even has their own online community where users can share their collages and selfies.
Pic Collage also features a very user friendly interface. It doesn't leave you wondering what to do next or how to do something, it's all very easy to set up and use. Pic Collage is available for both iPhone and Android.
2. Funimate

Just like the app name implies, you can add fun animations to the pictures you take. Funimate is also incredibly easy to use. Simply record anything you want or upload a video of your choice from your photo album then use one of Funimate's many options to transform it into something fun, interesting, and exciting.
This app is also incredibly simple to use so the only hardships you'll have when using it is deciding which of the 15 fun animations you're going to pick to showcase your creativity and take your photography to the next level! All you need to do is record something fun, then once you've captured everything you want, start manipulating! With tools like blurring, fading, duplicating and more, there is something for everyone.
Funimate also offers great music choices and allows you to effortlessly share your creations on all your favorite social media platforms. The one downside about Funimate is that it's only available for iOS.
3. Selfie Photo Editor

This Selfie Photo Editor pairs very well with selfie sticks while also containing some cool features and an easy to use interface. That's why it comes in at #1 on our list.
Before getting started, this app does require you to either upload a previously taken picture of your face or take a new one so it can "learn" who you are. Once uploaded, the app will automatically start recognizing your face and can even make suggestions for adjustments which is really convenient.
Another great thing about Selfie Photo Editor is it allows you to alter all aspects of your face including adjusting your eye size, eye shade, and more. The best part is that most of these changes look seamless and natural so you don't have to worry about people thinking that you used Microsoft Paint or Photoshop on your pictures. Selfie Photo Editor is only available on iOS.
4. YouCam Perfect

YouCam Perfect is another excellent photo touch up app. It allows you to easily edit your selfies with the touch of your finger. Remove wrinkles, slim yourself down or stretch your legs. Just don't get too carried away with it or your touch ups may become obvious.
On top of that you can even create short videos with your selfies which is a lot of fun especially for vine users. It can also recognize multiple faces in the picture to make sure the camera focuses on them all.
YouCam Perfect is available for both iOS and Android.
5. Picr

Finally we have Picr. While the name isn't as fun as the other ones listed, this is definitely a great app to have. Also note that there is actually another app called Picr by Flixter which is a different app all together.
If you're obsessed with those aging YouTube videos in which a person takes a picture of themselves every day for an extended amount of time then splices them altogether to show how much they've changed physically over the course of time, then you'll have Picr. It not only allows you to do the same thing, but it reminds you everyday to take a photo which is great for people who get distracted easily or are forgetful, so there's no worry that you'll miss a day and have to start all over again.
Once you're satisfied with the number of photos taken, you can put them altogether with cool music, text, and content then share them for the entire world to see. Picr is only available on iOS.
So while the selfie stick has certainly helped people step up their photo game, these awesome apps can take it even a step further. This is where photography manipulation apps come in handy as they allow you to take full control and advantage of your selfies. From filters and animating your photos to changing your eye color, these apps have something for everyone and are easy to use.